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Thursday, December 3, 2009

We Watched "An Inconvenient Truth." Now What?

We watched "An Inconvenient Truth" as a family the year it was released. We understood it. We were motivated to make changes. The light bulbs in our house are compact fluorescents. All the appliances that "glow" are unplugged when not in use. Paper and plastic recycling is routine. I take reusable shopping bags to every store, every time. That's the good news. The bad? In the day-to-day life of my teenagers, eco-consciousness, apparently is not at the top of their lists. Every day, I unplug my daughter's flat irons and her phone charger, each drawing energy the entire time they're plugged in. I still follow behind them to turn off lights in vacant rooms, including the garage. I am the family computer police, turning it off when no one is using it. And they are oblivious to reusable shopping bags.

These children are approaching college age and independent living. I am concerned that if they do not adopt eco-friendly habits at home, there is little chance they will do so as adults. Do you have any of these problems with your kids? If so, what are you doing to keep them motivated to live in an eco-conscious way?

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