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Friday, March 5, 2010

Why Buy Organic Cotton?

If any of you follow me on Twitter (WabiSabiVegan), you know that I was excited to find a dog collar made of organic cotton and vegetable dye.  In all of our efforts to buy organic food products, we might overlook the need to buy organic cotton.  Why is this so important?  According to information at http://www.earthday.net/, 10% of the world's pesticides and 25% of its insecticides are used in the production of cotton.  These are huge numbers! 

By contrast, organic cotton is grown without pesticides, chemical fertilizers, insecticides or genetically-modified (GMO) seeds.  As explained at http://ezinearticles.com/, growing cotton organically requires extensive efforts by the farmers.  Crop rotation ensures that insects don't automatically find their favorite host crop.  Green cover crops, such as clover or beans, enrich the soil without the need for chemical fertilizers once they are plowed under.  Non-genetically modified seeds are also necessary to keep the cotton natural.  And if you buy a "certified organic" cotton product, you can be sure that it has been certified by an independent agency.  You guessed it! You need to be prepared to pay more for organic cotton.  But isn't it worth it?

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