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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who Is Your Eco-Hero?

Who is your eco-hero?  I have several. They are my mom friends doing little everyday things that really make a difference - like going to Target and taking the purchases home without using a bag.  I attended a swim meet where one mom put herself in charge of recycling all the empty Gatorade and plastic water bottles.  She actually collected them herself in a large box and took them home with her to rinse and recycle!  These examples show how easy it is to do something positive for the environment.  Here are a few more ideas:
  1. Send your child to school with a reusable lunch box and stainless steel water bottle.
  2. Shop with a reusable shopping bag every time.
  3. If you are out and about, bring home your recyclable drink or food containers instead of throwing them in the trash.
  4. Do the same with paper flyers.  If you receive paper items away from home, don't just throw them in the trash.  Take them home and recycle them.
  5. Plan your errands to combine them into one efficient car trip.  Or, better yet, use a bicycle or walk whenever possible.
  6. Use degradable plastic trash bags and sandwich/storage bags that are PVC and plasticizer-free.  One source is Natural Value, available at some Whole Foods stores and at http://www.letsgogreen.biz/.
  7. Reduce your paper usage altogether and always use recycled paper products.  Refer to the "Be A Paper Frugalista" blog post on February 2nd for more ideas.
  8. Lower your thermostat in winter and raise it in summer to reduce the demand for heat and air conditioning and benefit from lower utility bills, too.  Program your thermostat to use less energy when you are not home.
  9. Reduce your plastic waste from daily use items like deodorant containers, razors and tooth brushes.  Buy the Tom's of Maine or Preserve brands, which you can recycle through Preserve's Gimme 5 program, or Dr. Du-More's Renew toothbrushes, made from plastic that, according to the packaging, "biodegrades without leaving any plastic residue in the soil."  Learn more at http://www.preserveproducts.com/ and at http://www.dumoreinc.com/.
  10. Buy organic food products and organic cotton.
  11. Unplug your appliances that glow and draw power even when turned off.  And just like your mama taught you, turn off the lights when you leave the room.
  12. Is there anybody who hasn't switched out their incandescent light bulbs?  Compact fluorescents and halogens use a fraction of the energy.  So what are you waiting for?
You probably have your own fantastic ideas.  Click on the "comments" tab below to share them.

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