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Friday, February 12, 2010

Tell the Polar Bears It's the Volcanoes' Fault!?

What would be your reaction if you heard someone say that active volcanoes are responsible for more pollution than anything man has ever done - AND that to think "we" are responsible for climate change is "boastful?"  Mine is to be dumbfounded!  How do you respond to that?  Literally, I could use your ideas. Maybe something along the lines of  "Tell the polar bears it's the volcanoes' fault?" The next day, the same person expressed frustration that local schools are now posting information on their websites instead of distributing paper flyers.  Just when I think we might be making some progress as a society toward eco-conscious living, comments like these bring me up short.

And speaking of disconcerting events, I recently found out that my daughter's middle school has been throwing away plastic water bottles that the kids had sorted for recycling on a daily basis - for the past two years!  Help!  That truly was heartbreaking to hear.  There is absolutely nothing that can undo the overwhelming waste of that decision.  And what about restoring the children's respect and trust in the adults at school?

All the more reason to never give up. Talk the talk AND walk the walk.  Reduce, reuse, recycle, any and every time, no matter where you are!


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